Congratulations if you got engaged over the holidays.
I'll be meeting with engaged couples over the next few weeks. I love hearing about their wedding day plans. I always enjoy that initial discussion
before the stress sets in (on them, not me).

There's lots of information available to couples today. Wedding shows abound and not just at the
local convention halls but in cyberspace too.
So many sites, real and virtual to check out it can surely consume hundreds
of hours to navigate.
Pinterest is my
current addiction. And yes, I too become overwhelmed by the volume of photos and ideas
posted just on this one site. Well, it's
not really one site because once you start browsing (it should be called digging)
it leads to more sites which lead to yet again more sites....and on and
on. Never know what I'll uncover and
where I'll end up but it's always a journey if not educational.
Budget. Not just money
but time. Engaged couples can over-think
just as they can overspend. But that's
true for all of us who are in wedding planning.
Best wishes and good luck.